Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Again I Go Unnoticed

When Tunisia's revolution began in approximately mid-December, hardly anyone knew about it. Only in retrospect can we recognize Mohamed Bouazizi's martyr death as the catalyst that tore apart the Middle East. Perhaps it's because Tunisia is smaller and the common world hardly saw it coming (in hindsight, everyone will say that they saw it coming, they predicted mass unrest and upheaval in these countries, but in all actuality, Egypt and Tunisia were a far cry from being hot topics before the end of January). Perhaps its because the United States does not have a long history of interaction with Tunisia or perhaps it is because it was simply the first of its kind. We did not know what domino effect the Tunisian uprise would have and so we ignored it because it did not affect us. 

Then Egypt came along and the world silenced itself to listen to what these people had to say. Why did we pay attention? We certainly did not at first, but after about a week of protests and suddenly every single cover story of the New York Times is about Egypt, about president Mubarak, about the Government, about what the US had to say concerning Egypt. CNN had a continuous stream of footage from Tahir square and we had no choice but to know about Egypt. We had to listen

And we wanted to be a part of it. Youtube linked to Al Jeezera (broadcasts from the Middle East). An invitation to join in the cause of human anger circulated Facebook (let's face it... though the invite increased awareness, who had the audacity to think that the average teenage facebook user could comprehend, much less empathize with the revolutions in Egypt? No, they "attended" that event because everyone else was doing it and because Egypt was a hot topic in the news). We were swept up in the euphoria of Egyptians taking back their country.

Today, the cover of the New York Times Cover features Obama and the US Budget, a piece on Bernie Madoff, an article about how the English are staying fat despite the fact that they said they wouldn't, and  a call to turn Egypt's internet back on. 

Currently, there are three additional countries revolting and the list grows longer every single day. Iran, Bahrain and Yemen were among the first to pick up their signs after Mubarak resigned and Egypt rejoiced. But Libya and Iraq were added just today. Yet, where are the 'breaking news' reports on any of these countries? Where are the page 1 NYT reports? The tweets? The Facebook statuses? the blog posts? 

Where has our conviction for human civility and equality gone? Did we lose our fire and passion for fair governments the same way we dropped last semester's obsession with freshman quarterback Jake Heaps? Quietly and quickly.

Suddenly it became passé to revolt. Everyone was doing it, so it simply was not popular anymore. 

This is not the newest winter season coat, this is a nation of people standing up for their rights. Governments all over the world are trembling in their boots, and its about time. 

Yet, hardly anyone cares anymore because protests, death and revolutions are old news. We've seen one and we simply do not have the capacity, the patience, nor the attention span for another. 

What are the implications of the media's lack of coverage and the American people's lack of interest? Will these people be silenced because no one was willing to listen?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Matters of Blood and Connections

Lately, quite a lot of people have been asking me what's going on in Egypt. (As if I would be the one to know!) 
Well, I don't have all the answers (who does?), but I can, however provide the basics. 
The beginning
A Tunisian youth, who set himself on fire in protest
The beginning of Egypt's revolt does not start in Egypt at all, but rather in Tunisia.
Where is Tunisia? North Africa:
 A 26 year-old university graduate named Mohamed Bouazizi sold fruit and vegetables to make ends meet. Mohamed had a computer science degree, but not a license to sell fruit. On December 17th, police confiscated his produce and (allegedly) slapped him in the face. Engraged, Mohamed doused himself in gasoline and set himself on fire outside of the Governor's office in Bouazizi's hometown of Sidi Bouzid as a mark of protest against the controlling, corrupt government. Bouazizi died on January 4th and with his death, unrest broke out in Sidi Bouzid as Tunisian's vow to avenge Mohamed's death. The local police force in Sidi Bouzid crack down on the protesters, which in turn spreads the movement until it reaches the capital city.

Tunisia has been ruled by the same man, Ben Ali, and his regime for the past 22 years. 
The people are fed up with a lack of political freedom, corruption within the government and high rates of unemployment. 

President Ali promises the people a democratic election, but they are unsatisfied. Ali eventually flees the country on January 14th. He is currently being sheltered in Saudi Arabia and is banned from participating in political activity concerning Tunisia.
Protests rage on as Prime Minister  Mohamed Ghannouchi attempted to hold together a government comprised of President Ali's former cabinet and prominent protest leaders. But still the people were unsatisfied. On January 26th, a warrant for the arrest of President Ali and his family was issued and the government was stripped of almost all of Ali's former cabinet.

The people consider it a success.


Protests in Egypt began on January 25th, 2011 caused by a mixture of the success in Tunisia and the Egyptian people's own anger over an oppressive leader.
The movement was coordinated in an unprecedented manner, via texting, Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sights which drew up huge crowds of mostly youth.

The Egyptian government does everything they can to crush the rebellion, including:
  • Blocking internet service
  • Blocking cell phone service
  • banning protests
  • using tear gas and rubber bullets
  • imposing a nation-wide curfew
  • Listening to the Egyptian people
But protests rage on, fueled by and unstoppable force of anger and youth who spent their schooldays learning to hack through internet firewalls/blocks instead of playing DDR.

The key names in the Egyptian protests are:

    1. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak (reigned for 30 years) The people are unhappy with him because, essentially he has "grown out of touch with the people", refused political involvement to the average citizen and fostered a corrupt government.
    2. The Brotherhood (the largest resistence force, the backbone of the protests and blanket name for the group opposed to Mubarak)
    3. Mohamed Elbaradei (a nobel laureate winner, the voice of The Brotherhood, speaks out against the regime government and is proposed the "new leader of Egypt" by The Brotherhood)
    4. Egyptian Vice-President Omar Suleiman (former head of military intelligence )
    5. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (involved because the United States largely funds the Egyptian military in exchange for Egypt being American allies. Egyptian authorities have been outspoken about their contempt for U.S. involvement)
    Basic Timeline of protest events from January 25th to now:

    Jan 25th: tens of thousands of Egyptian (mostly youth) citizens take to the streets, demanding the resignation of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.
    Jan 26th: The Egyptian government attempts to crush the movement using above-mentioned tactics, but the people continue to protest.
    Jan 28th: Protests continue, Mubarak orders his cabinet to resign, but refuses to resign himself. He names head of military intelligence Omar Suleiman as his Vice-President and Air Force chief Ahmed Shafik as prime minister. The military commands a great amount of respect from the people in Egypt, which is why Mubarak tried to bolster his popularity with two military officials.
    Jan 29th: Protests continue, Mohamed Elbaradei demands that President Mubarak steps down immeadiately so that a new government can take over. Protests evolve into "open class warfare"
    Jan 30th: The Muslim Brotherhood (Same as "The Brotherhood") announces support for Mohamed Elbaradei and his demands. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly encourages democracy in Egypt.
    Jan 31st: Protests continue, newly appointed Vice-President Suleiman opens a dialogue concerning political reform. The Egyptian economy begins to freeze as commerce, tourism and banking halt.
    Feb 1st: Protests increase, President Mubarak announces he will not run for another term, but the people are unsatisfied, calling for his immediate resignation. 
    Feb 2nd: Pro-Government advocates begin to attack the protesters, fighting breaks out in Tahir Square (the main protesting grounds). The United States "breaks ties" with Mubarak (one of the U.S.'s strongest allies in the Middle East" and Obama parts with a call for Mubarek to resign.
    Feb 3rd: Government supporters and protesters continue to fight. What's new? Nothing today.
    Feb 4th: Calls contiinue to grow stronger for Mubarak to resign
    Feb 5th: The US and the EU attempt to compromise with Vice-President Suleiman on a plan that wouldn't immeadiately remove Mubarak (the fear is that the country will collapse in chaos and hope for democracy will be lost upon Mubarak leaving the government)
    Feb 6th: Most of the remaining Mubarak cabinet resigns, including Mubarak's son and heir to the throne. Mubarak remains the president of Egypt. Vice President Suleiman announces the transition to a post-Mubarak era has begun, setting up a reorganized government comprised of some Mubarek supporters and some opponents.
    Feb 7th: The new government attempts to restore Egypt, repealing the curfew and announcing a salary hike
    Feb 8th: The new government continues to announce reforms, but protesters refuse to accept anything less than Mubarak's resignation.

    Essentially, that's where we are now. New government, angry citizens, same man in power. 

    Global Implications:

    1. Increased scrutiny of the United States and their willingness to monetarily back any government in the Middle East, regardless of the nature of government.
    2. Global fear of uprisings: China has increased filterings in their own country. Citizens cannot search anything related to Egypt for fear that it will inspire the Chinese to revolt. 
    3. Less peace in the Middle East
    4. Increased economic instability for those who interacted with Egypt

    Tomorrow, the Kennedy Center is hosting a panel of experts on Egypt who will be able to answer the tough questions. If you're interested, stop by 238 of the HRCB at noon. 

    Thursday, February 3, 2011


    Vending machines are not my friends.
    I try so hard, I really do... I stop by frequently, and its not like all I ever do is take, there's equal compensation available in this relationship. I'm not asking much, just the same attention that everyone else seems to acquire so easily. Perhaps I'm too needy, maybe if leave those men hanging for a few days they'll be like putty in my hands (or rather pretzels in my hands, because that's what I want).

    But, in the past week, I have been denied, cheated and lied to. I will not stand for it anymore. I deserve more from you BYU vending machines!

    A certain vending machine who will not be named (3rd floor of the JKB, just outside the math lecture halls...) cheated me out of my money and my pride. Have you ever tried those honey wheat pretzel sticks? I think I'm addicted to them. They are item number "B0" in every vending machine here on campus, but they're only available in the ones that aren't refrigerated (So not the ones that sell... fruit snacks, sausage & egg sandwiches or mushy apples... which all need to be refrigerated). I also think I may be the only person who ever purchases them. Frequently after class I have been known to hit this particular vending machine up before I head back to work and slowly but surely the supply of honey pretzels dwindles until re-fill day (I think its Monday... don't hate because I'm the type of girl who knows her machine's schedule, we're just that close). Anyway for some reason, this machine had not delivered and he was simply out of those beloved pretzels. But I was in a hurry and I simply didn't give him the attention he deserved. I walked up, swiped my card and pressed B-0. Then sat back and felt the tug on my heart as I watched the empty coil where those lovely little treats should have been... just spin and spin. What a tease.

    Tuesday (Yes, it is possible to live the life where you are flitting from vending machine to vending machine):
    Its post devotional and I have an hour to study before my next class. Conveniently, this same event also coincides my not having eaten anything all morning. With conflicting desires in my heart, I sulk off to find a vending machine that might satisfy my needs for the time being. Did anyone know that there are literally no machines to be found in the JSB? Why? Does eating make us less holy?? The next closest one is in the Heber J.Grant building or in other words... the testing center. A building most prefer not to venture to unless necessary. But, I assure you it was necessary. My tummy had the rumblies. But curse all my luck. As I get there I find that not only am I without my beloved ID card, I also have forgotten my wallet. There's nothing left but to dig through everything I own for change. I come up with 30 cents and a lost Caribbean Tanzanite ring. Altogether a lot more in value than anything for sale in that cursed machine, but to this fickle beast, what am I worth? 30 cents. Do you know what you can buy at a BYU vending machine for 30 cents? Not gum. Not breathmints. Not a fig bar. Nothing. It was a trick question. You can't buy anything for 30 cents.

    This morning:
    having woken up too late and rushing out the door, I forget everything that I might need/want throughout the day. Namely, food (and or cash to purchase food with). Not to be undone, I loaded my BYU card with money and headed to the vending machine. We only have one lone machine here in the Kennedy Center... it doesn't carry honey wheat pretzels. Suddenly I'm cursing myself for not taking that job in the Tanner, where they have an entire room devoted to vending machines, there's about 8. Its like winning an Oscar over there in the Tanner and I'm stuck with a daytime Emmy here in the KC. Furthermore, to my frustration, the one machine wasn't working correctly. Namely, it didn't accept cards! I'm a regular to this particular machine. I KNOW it accepts cards...EVERY machine here on campus accepts cards. I swipe that card a few times out of desperation, no dice. In a rage of  frustration, I press all the buttons. I swear I heard laughing emitting from that blasted hunk of metal. Then I come up with the idea to unplug it.. like a computer. When a computer is misbehaving, usually the solution lies in rebooting it. So I pull the plug (sidenote... pulling the plug came with perhaps an unhealthy feeling of satisfaction). When I restore the plug, I hear the faithful whirring of my devoted little machine... and then I hear something hard hit the bottem. I open the door... its a gift! The vending machine gave me free orange juice!!


    I believe in vending machines again.