Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Belle of the Boulevard

I'm sure you've heard of them.
They're only the greatest thing to hit this part of the world since Kilts.

I've spent hours listening to Scottish music, trying to find all the good songs and only the good bands. While some artists might have great names (We Were Promised Jetpacks... they win time and time again) and others might have altogether fantastic one hit wonders (Young Ned of the Hill by the Pogues)... There has only been one band that has performed so consistently well that we still play them here in casa del interns. 

A few good facts:

They're identical twins
They were born in Leith, Edinburgh.
They own a football team. Who we say play. Who's anthem is one of their songs. Which song we sang with 500 other overjoyed fans.
 They were in Parliament mere weeks ago... but they didn't stop in to say "hi" 

Who are these glorious gems?
And I'm smitten.

Think you've never heard of them?? 

Yes. Yes you have.

Here's to Scotland's finest.